Waste is "all movable property which its owner disposes of, intends to dispose of or is required to dispose of" (cf. Article 3 (1) KrWG).
The annual quantity of waste produced within the EU is gigantic! In 2014, a total of 2.5 billion tonnes of waste was produced within the EU.
The waste in Germany is differentiated according to the Waste Catalogue Ordinance (AVV), each with a different ID number. In summary, this results in the following categories, among others:
Overall, a distinction can be made between waste for further recycling and waste for disposal. If disposal focuses on the recovery of energy, it is referred to as waste-to-energy.
Waste-to-Energy offers great potential in terms of climate protection (e.g. through CO2 savings potential, reduction of diffuse CH4 emissions) and as a means to capture pollutants contained in the waste in a safe manner.
The technical implementation of the recovery contained in the waste can be carried out in a waste incineration plant (WIP), a waste-to-energy plant (WtE), RDF power plant or an alternative plant for thermal residue utilization.
Regardless of the technology, whether grate firing or fluidized bed combustion, gasification plant, pyrolysis or oiling process, we support our customers in all planning phases and concerns from the initial idea to the realization and commissioning.
Please feel free to contact us.
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