Calorific Value
The combined tool consisting of Calorific Value and Business Case Calculator offers you the possibility to calculate the calorific value of the waste mixture in a first step with a waste composition, followed by a rough dimensioning of a waste-to-energy plant.
In a second step, the Business Case Calculator enables you to make an initial estimate of the economic efficiency. By entering the various parameters, you can roughly estimate whether the planned plant will be refinanced by a so-called gate fee of the delivered waste or whether, due to the energy prices, it can be an energy generation plant that can operate with very low gate fees.
On the basis of our own existing data, supplemented by data sets from the OECD database, we have begun to build up a data collection that now includes waste compositions from many countries.
With the Quickstart, a waste composition can be selected that either has a high calorific value and a high or low water content or a low calorific value, also with a high or low water content.
In addition, by selecting the continent, settlement type and city or municipality, you can select a waste composition that suits your requirements. This can either be used for the dimensioning of the Waste-To-Energy plant or supplemented or changed with your own values. For example, the water content of the waste can have a strong influence on the calorific value of the waste mixture.
The calorific value of the waste mixture forms the basis for plant dimensioning, whereby a distinction can be made here between the options "maximum electricity production", "mix of electricity and heat" and "maximum heat production". Information on annual mass flow and availability is also required.
With the help of the Calorific Value Calculator you can make a first rough dimensioning of a Waste-to-Energy plant.
With these basics you then start the Business Case Calculator. This enables you to make an initial estimate of the economic efficiency of a waste incineration plant (waste-to-energy plant). By entering the various parameters, you can roughly estimate whether the planned plant will be refinanced by the price (gate fee) of the delivered waste or whether, due to the energy prices, it can be an energy generation plant that can operate with very low gate fees.
The values in the uppermost table "User data" can be changed or selected and thus adapted to your system. The following tables show calculated results and other fixed values. The assumptions and dependencies made in the calculation are based on empirical values in the planning, construction and operation of waste incineration plants.
The base data "waste amount", "lower calorific value" und "availibilty" ergeben die "firing capacity" of the plant:
When defining the parameter for energy use, you should consider the following:
For pure full condensation without steam extraction (Energy usage: "max. electricity") the factor is max. 0.33; for additional steam extraction this factor must be lower. In the case of pure steam production without electricity production (Energy usage: "max. heat") this factor is max. 0.8; with additional electricity production this factor is lower.
The results of the calculation with the values you have entered and the values that cannot be changed are displayed in a graphic. The chart shows the course of revenues, OPEX (operational expenditure), depreciation, EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes), total interest payments plant and EBT (earnings before taxes). This allows you to see the profitability of your plant.
Do you have further questions? Can we support you in planning a thermal waste treatment plant? Please feel free to contact us! We look forward to hearing from you.